Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™
The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education (ECE) and is a key stepping stone on the path of career advancement in ECE. The CDA Credential is based on a core set of Competency Standards, which guide early care and learning professionals as they work toward becoming qualified teachers of young children.
The CDA helps early educators meet current state and national professional requirments. CDA recipients are component practitioners who value vital knowledge and skills and formal education. It has stood the test of time, with more than 350,000 CDA’s awarded since the early 70’s, and 20,000 new CDAs and 18,000 renewals in 2013 alone. Becoming a CDA is a big commitment, but one that creates confident practitioners with command of today’s best practices for teaching young children. The CDA is portable, recognized in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, community colleges, school districts and the military.
The CDA Credential is awarded to early care and learning professionals who work in a variety of settings.
CDA Settings
CDA Credential Program Now Available Online!
Why should you earn your CDA Credential online with Prestige Medical Solutions?
- Attend class from anywhere an internet connection is available.
- Have easy access to your instructor during the entire course.
- Get certified in 3 months!
- Learn more using our completely updated and revolutionized online portal.
- Have full access to our Digital Resource Library during your course.
CDA Process
Want to learn more about earning your Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™? Click here to read about the Development Process.
CDA en Espanol?
Our CDA Credental Course is also available to be taught in Spanish. Read more about it here, and please contact us for more details.
Is the CDA Credential appropriate for you?
If you are a professional who fits this profile, the next step is to contact us to learn how to demonstrate your competence to the Council and earn the Credential.
• CDA – Child Development Associate – an individual who successfully completed the CDA assessment
• Competency Goal – goal for the behavior of an Early Childhood Educator
• Functional Area – a responsibility that defines an Early Childhood Educator’s role in relation to children
• NAEYC – National Association for the Education of Young Children – a professional organization which promotes excellence in early childhood education.